Mysteries have been with us from the beginnng. Moses asks God, "Who shall I name as the Giver of these tablets, when the wary people ask?" God replies, "Tell them 'I AM' is the Giver." So, the Big Mystery continues to this day. Although it may be part of our seeking and mortal nature to try, it isn't important to track down God, or to define that which is divine, and which we're given only glimpses of in random moments. More important to comprehend- by visceral embrace- the glorious, bountiful grace we receive living. The practice of gratitude is a personal affair, like praying and other daily supports. Blessings counted, uncounted, sometimes unknown in real time, wonders beyond our knowledge, invisible miracles all around us, like gravity, we see their timely effect. So, d efining is overrated, while knowing God's intrinsic, eternal presence in every moment is underrated, or simply forgotten by our hurried, modern existance.