
Showing posts from June, 2023


When we say attitude is everything, is it merely a casual repeating of an old but still relevant truism? Or, are we actually considering how attitude affects every conscious moment of our existence? Sometimes, I think that our attitude is the only thing we actually have in life, the only quality we choose to control, and independently direct as our own. There is no big mystery to personal conviction based on knowledge, belief, and experience, as there is no conflict between a heart and mind at peace. Attitude clarifies direction, the path gets no easier, only better defined. While many believe a good idea is always possible, just as many believe every good idea is only the temporary flip side of misfortune and regret. But, it's also true that much is not in our control, the unexpected happens. Can't pretend to always have a positive attitude, some days I may measure this existence hour by hour, only surviving. Perhaps the best we can do is dutifully recall- often if necessary- ...

Absurd Moments

What would you think if I confessed to finding myself in these occasional, absurd moments when I seem to realize all at once that it doesn't matter about the existence of a Supreme Being, a moral higher power or Creator. It still remains true that whether or not God actually exists is a wholly unprovable matter of belief. Faith does not negotiate with reality. You're all in, or, you're following some other path. But, how may it also be ultimately unimportant? Because, God or no God, we're still just stuck here on earth for this finite time together. We're still challenged with undeniably good and evil acts, uncontrollable acts, and instances of random suffering no one can explain, not even the devoutly faithful. Mysteries remain mysteries for everyone, and there is still surviving, in this harsh place. We are still stuck with enigmas like charity and selfishness, fear and tyranny, sociopaths running nations, unimaginable and common cruelties, and the ruthlessly incl...

Why writing?

Motivation is difficult to assess or measure, it can change masks at will. Writing is most certainly a way to tell folks about myself. Simple as that. No matter the subject or the perspective expressed, we want readers to know who we fundamentally are in nature. So, we use a few words to fingerpaint a rendering of ourselves, to leave an impression, a flavor of our personality. Writing is often a revelation of intent, becoming then a voluntary or instinctual reaction to our intrinsic aloneness, our calamity of uniqueness. Existing never before and never again, writing is a way to feel more at home.