Absurd Moments

What would you think if I confessed to finding myself in these occasional, absurd moments when I seem to realize all at once that it doesn't matter about the existence of a Supreme Being, a moral higher power or Creator.

It still remains true that whether or not God actually exists is a wholly unprovable matter of belief. Faith does not negotiate with reality. You're all in, or, you're following some other path. But, how may it also be ultimately unimportant?

Because, God or no God, we're still just stuck here on earth for this finite time together. We're still challenged with undeniably good and evil acts, uncontrollable acts, and instances of random suffering no one can explain, not even the devoutly faithful. Mysteries remain mysteries for everyone, and there is still surviving, in this harsh place.

We are still stuck with enigmas like charity and selfishness, fear and tyranny, sociopaths running nations, unimaginable and common cruelties, and the ruthlessly inclusive awareness of our own strange or fragile mortality.

We still have to get along, prosper, find a way to peace, keep back the internal demons of uncertainties and doubts-- there is no shortage of worries to tally. The existence or absence of a Creator only generates more open questions. Nonetheless, we still must live our lives here, with no proof of any hereafter, or future elsewhere.

Same truths can apply to every faith. Scriptures are as malleable as water. You can collect all the answers, but find no wisdom. Or, facts just don't add up. Is God both all-powerful and all good? Or not?

I'd prefer the company of a kind atheist over those God-fearing, but also mean, or driven by exclusive bigotry of belief. We are still stuck with common sense, the memory base of our experience, and the attitudes we've learned to love.

Absurd moments can sometimes have the simple clarity of a bell's true tone, and a quick reassembly of priorities can become a lasting insight of clear, foundational value. Relevance- like the conundrum of God, depends solely on set and setting, what realm is named, what universe is being considered.


  1. There comes a time when I realize that I don’t have the skills to reason with every single person. Some are easy to convince and see the light right away. Some people don’t seem like they even want to reason or they just enjoy their own wisdom- a legend in their own mind. Bottom line is that I pray that God opens all eyes, ears and mind to the truth of Jesus Christ. It’s not hard to understand. Even a fool can understand. But there I go again, trying to reason.
    One thing is certain: There will be no atheists in hell .

  2. I understand the reason for wanting to convince others of your specific truth as you understand the Bible, which I also understand you believe is the only truth. Me, I'm not on that mission. I'm not out ro convince anyone of anything, as if I even knew anything with certainty to share or declare. I don't. The hereafter will be whatever it is, if anything. Nonetheless, I'm still stuck with the same challenges here and now. Only thing I still feel 100% certain about is that being a good person is what matters the most. The rest to me is still interesting to ponder, but less important.


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