Two Voices

First Voice:
There isn't any proof. None. You take the Bible's story on faith. Whether the entire sixty-six books, or just the Old Testament, or only the first five books. All the versions of the Bible's content require believing without tangible evidence for any of it.  

Whether it is the ageless wisdom of the Torah, or the joyous Good News of the Gospels, the scripture in this and every holy book similarly compell readers to accept details as full narratives, or as confirmed, structured thought well beyond challenge or alternate understanding.

The Torah claims a Messiah's arrival is yet pending. The New Testament says God, i.e., Yahway, Jehovah, Christ, Holy Spirit - sent his Jewish Son to die on a cross for the sins of man, thereby redeeming humanity for all of eternity.

Neither story persuades me at all. Both belief systems stretch reality beyond rational possibility or anything plausible, desirable, or with arguably noble motives. I could never believe an allegedly All-Good and All-Powerful Creator would decide that killing nearly all His  children on Earth, all of  humankind because people misbehaved and ignored warning. We don't murder our kids over behavior. That mass act would be criminally insane.

Nor could I ever believe why a God - who theoretical could do anything - would choose to split himself into three, purport to deny death yet allow for endless griefs, just so that humans can once again self-discover their Free Will, stop their sinning, appreciate the Creator's core values. So, God is just a mean puppeteer? 

Milleniums of harsh and needless drama for a deity that is advertised all-knowing, and could simply command a perfect Paradise in a thrice - if only God was real!

Second Voice:
The universe breathes in and breathes out. You presume so casually about reality, possibility, and plausible storyline. You, a human, try to understand God's actions. But you have no proper capacity for such knowledge, no basis to support awareness beyond your limitation. It is like you are a tiny acorn seeking to know the tallest oak.

God's acts are to you brutal and senseless. Why should innocents suffer, you ask, observing the incongruous universe where both karma and fairness are quirky and uncertain. You may not like or understand the fact that you don't have God's slide rule. The blessed algorithm of existence cannot be contained within your disenchantment. 

The complexity of the cosmos only compounds every moment, all part of the expansion, the blueprints of eternity are not drawn with symbols and math you may embrace. God knowledge isn't like other knowledge.

You can't have the Moon, you can deny it exists, yet there it is to bask beneath, as no heavenly body depends on us, no whirling galaxy needs our route or reverie. God is real before defining, proof, or doubt. The universe breathes in and breathes out.


  1. I of course like the second voice better. Lead with your heart, I say, and live in gratitude


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