God's Beauty

Many may challenge the notion, it's understood. It confounds all the established beliefs, the variously pointed paths of faith.

But, for me, there is a glorious, nameless majesty, a royally unreligous crown of mystery which represents the limitless, universal experience, constantly whirling matrix of questions far beyond a horizon of knowledge.

There is, to me, a beauty most viscerally felt in this mystery, unequaled by any human story of imaginative gods and devils and mortals with living souls. There is this drive within to know the real fabric or algorithm or equation or Scripture or vision or truth reveal without doubt, rendering faith obsolete or unnecessary- but then, where to go for our strength? Would knowing more be a new source? We cannot ever know enough to then leap out of our ego's mirror, so is the desire to know itself a trap?

Consciousness at its core query, the silent, enduring grandeur of our common existance, the way nothing is ever answered forever, all stories possible in momentary light of awareness, final intricate genius of all the dark unknown.


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