The Disciples Witness

Certainly one glorious day, followers of Christ assure us, answers will then be revealed.

Speculate, or simply choose to believe for now and eternity, but choose only one. What did the disciples witness after the Crusifiction, after three days had passed? Can we know what they saw, or, if their telling is literal?

Sightings of Jesus are episodically mentioned in Scripture several times by both individuals and groups of people. The first to see Him was Mary Magdalene, in Mark 16:9, “Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.”

Then, in Luke 24:15-18, the other disciples, in deep discussion about Him, see Jesus but do not recognize him.  But, what does this mean? Was Jesus disguised, and why? They couldn't possibly fear His second nortal death.

Then, Mary, mother of Jesus, is mentioned in John 20:14, “When she had said this, she turned around, and beheld Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus.” Again, He"s present, but unrecognizable. To his own mom? What could this mean?

Then, Mathew 28, and succeeding verses, we learn that both Marys visit the tomb of Jesus, and find a glowing angel atop the great stone that had been somehow pushed aside-- an earthquake mentioned. The angel confirms that Jesus lives, and has gone to Galilee.

Soon, Jesus meets the two women and tells them not to fear. Later in Galilee the other disciples also see Jesus again, but some still doubted. But, why would they? Did they not know Him, had spent so much time in His company, so many days together? Was He still disguised in some manner that would cause them some sort of ongoing doubt? Or, was He everyman, every stranger that the disciples saw, and the Light of Jesus in everyone encountered?

There is the often cited reference to disciple Thomas, how he had to touch the hand wounds of Jesus from the Cross before believing that his Master had truly beaten death, and actually stood before him. Consequently, Jesus praised those believing without proof.

But, what did these sincere and devoted people actually see? As with the miracles described in the Gospels, folks definitely saw something! Or, did they? Could the post Crusifiction sightings simply be symbolic in nature, not literal?

These disciples missed Jesus so intensely, with the fervent zeal of months of His teaching. Imagined visions of their beloved and worshipped Messiah would not have been unusual, or hard to understand. It's a human answer, anyway, thru acute grief, and profoundly affecting psychic pain.

It's most likely no one can ever know for certain what these followers witnessed, but the answer goes to the core of the identity of Jesus of Nazareth.


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