Religion? Science? Or, conundrum?

Speaking both generally and symbolically, the various scriptures of ancient religions were set in stone, and remain today the unsettled subjects of interpretation, debate, and query.

The historical scriptures of science- the research studies, citations, documented data and records of results from experimental efforts- it's all a work in progress, always evolving. Everything in science and discovery is also by nature unsettled, variously interpreted, and continually questioned.

Theoretically, religions disallow any editing of their scriptures, claiming divine authorship. The Bible's books of Matthew and Revelations both declare and warn against changing or altering the Law. But, science is always an unfinished book that promises new pages, new understandings. There is no punishment for not knowing, no condemnation for always asking the next question.

How do I accept, for example, that the Bible with its many authors is most accurate? How can I know what Noah really thought, or how Moses was inspired? Or, that Jesus wasn't often misquoted, misunderstood, His words edited? My friends of faith believe that only God is the true first, last and final Editor of scriptures.

Yet, how the Bible became the book of Christianity is itself a remarkable story of chance, random mistakes, powerful religious personalities, and pure politics. But, believers assert there are no mistakes in God's word, and nothing is random, but rather by original design. They say: "In the beginning was the Word."

The scriptures of science make no claims of eternal authenticity, accuracy, or proof beyond doubt. For the longest time, for example, science thought the speed of light was a constant fact to rely upon. Today, there's new information from recent research suggesting there's more to learn and assess.

Nothing in science is written in stone. Everything we think we know may be wrong, incomplete. There is no ultimate satisfaction or comfort in the scriptures of science, no final word, jot, or tittle. What is believed is what the latest research reveals, it's always a struggle of proof and acceptance. There was a time you were killed for claiming the Sun was superior.


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