Proverbs and Absolutes

Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

When certain redundant absolutes invade our thoughts, it's already an impossible expectation. An example can be our human fear. In its essence, fear is always a state of not accepting something, dreading some reality.

Who can say they are without some fear or disabling worry? It can even be nameless, but nonetheless present, fear can self-identity in an instant. Isn't some fear good, normal, even desired?
I'm not going to dance on the roof, fear of falling is instinctual, even protective. Common fears include all aspects of illness, injury, or death. Fear of others, the dark, clowns, insects, all common. Many around the world and here fear their government's power to control.

Faith is said to be an antidote to fear, yet believers are afraid of unsaved souls, afterlife punishment and such. Fear of judgement is a huge and universal fear that likely originates in the subconscious and earliest memory. But, it's possible some folks fear nothing, as their faith becomes a shield for all dangers. There is nothing more human than fear, nothing more known.

But, for most folks, fear is impossible to avoid, daily life is chock full of worries. The best I can do is better understand my fears, observe how they operate, that awareness maybe helps over time.  


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