This quizzical life is also constantly heroic, as evidenced all around us. Everywhere we are, small acts of courage occuring with hardly a notice, lost in the traffic of days passing, hours dissolving into weeks and months of quiet miracles by the hundreds of millions, uncounted in the reverie of the moment.
Despite all the faceless, unconscious fears of this veiled mortal experience, humans are yet prone to help each other, it's not purely a selfless instinct. We all somehow intrinsically know thru our DNA that each survives better when more survive together; it's in our bones, this original kindred knowledge.
Commonly great heroes are ususally disguised by the immediacy of the challenge, the crisis or problem in play. You can see them better when you look sideways, past our entitlements and prejudices, we all have them, they make us all blind to the most obvious.
It's the mom, or dad, or grandparent, trudging along in the routines needed, thanklessly toiling day to day, doing the right thing by those most in need, most vulnerable, they are the priority.
It's the elderly care worker, teacher, officer, nurse, truck driver, the folks that keep it going so that the rest of us don't even consider who's making it real, in this wholly unreal world that seems to mock us when we're down, too many problems all at once- enter the heroes, that's the moment they may appear from nearby.
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