
Jesus of Nazareth was many things, and someday all will be revealed. Yet, one characteristic certainly framed his powerful persona and astoundingly enduring influence: Jesus was no fool. With unsentimental, keen awareness, he knew exactly where he was, the moment in time which was Rome's moment, and the hard political reality of his people.

Some among his rapidly expanding followers-- the restless or angrier men-- wanted Jesus to take up the sword of revolution. They wanted challenge or conflict with the regional authority, even combat to regain their autonomy.

Jesus, carpenter by learned trade, and prophet-teacher-rabbi by natural inclination and talent, was not a soldier that way. He knew too much about the selfish hearts of men, the bitterness of hatred, and God's redemptive salvation. 

Loving and forgiving are more powerful than fighting, Jesus believed in his heart, even though he too had his moments of grave doubt or confusion. Jesus took no comfort in the Mosaic traditions that taught "eye for an eye", its time and practicality had passed with the ages, he wanted to believe. Jesus knew from his studies of the earlier prophets that a higher value must be established with principles of virtue to replace the old, expected code of conduct.

Those who called for defiant resistance were delusional to believe the entire region wouldn't become a forgotten stain beneath the harsh and swift Roman boot. 

Jesus also knew that troublesome, negative attention would instigate a devastating reaction, and any rebellion would be ended with a horrific bloodbath and utter defeat. Besides, this wasn't the battle that most interested Jesus- he instead needed to conquer people's fears, restore hope as a way to progress, and wage a war over men's souls.

Women, the more evolved gender, and children resonated with his new message sooner and easier. But, the men that Jesus spoke with were long besieged, wary, how could they understand this new way of answering their unyielding rulers? To some it seemed unnatural, what Jesus taught, with possibly disasterous outcomes- responding to hostility with peace and charity was unknown, or considered only the senseless practice of the naive. 

Yet, Jesus was also no fool when he declared that the much awaited kingdom of God was at hand, all around and within us. Over millenniums of civilization, the Creator's beneficence breathes life into our otherwise bleak existence, so that we may be strong and insightful enough to understand "turn the other cheek."


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