
It's true, have no reason why, things that are unexplained are hard for me to accept; it always bothers my psyche more than it should. But, some things, or, how about everything really, there is just no plausible cause and effect. As with the subject of reincarnation. 

Have recently revisited the intriguing topic of very early memories that seem incongruous or even fictitious. Countless accounts, many thoroughly researched and documented, infants and children describing vivid memory, dream, entire recollections of other lives prior, or even their own death, and other inexplicably detailed and specific descriptions-- is there anything actually happening here? 

If true and real, it would seem to involve one core question, or some similar query: Can our primal life code- the Human Genome- somehow, via pathways we're light years away from understanding- can DNA transport or import memories of experiences of lives that have past?

In their own unrehearsed words, these unsettling but also riveting narratives from the children, parents, and families faced with this phenomenon are both striking and compelling in their sincerity. How is it possible? 

A child suddenly starts speaking another language. Or, an infant repeatedly dreams about a plane crashing, being trapped in flames. Or, a child remembers a previous family, another home, and different identity. Or, children recalling and mentioning facts they couldn't have ever known? 

Stay tuned, still researching this subject, trying to make sense of it. Perhaps, taking the skeptical view, there is nothing at all unusual with this puzzling deal. Maybe there's a non-magical, mundane reason. But, what are these many, many kids remembering? From where can these memories emerge, and by what mysterious mechanism could this be?


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