Genesis and Science

Where do we start? As Scripture and believers direct, we must begin with Genesis. Typical objectivity has no relevance in this inquiry, facts are scarce and very oblique. Believers accept the divine authorship; they don't doubt. Inquiry science accepts nothing. 

We have hard science facts proven by experiment, repetition, precision instruments, logic, mathematics, and physical laws the accuracy of which have been duplicated, demonstrated, and verified beyond rational challenge. Genesis "time" must not be typical or measured in ways we've come to comprehend. 

Too many facts get in the way of Genesis, its accountability or literal accuracy. Perhaps that's the word. Accuracy equals both plausibility and believability with what we call knowledge. Faithless science only goes forward where the data goes, not biased by inclinations or story. 

The puzzling quandary over the age of planet Earth, for example. The Bible’s genealogical records combined with the Genesis 1 account of creation are used to estimate an age for the Earth and universe of about 6000 years, with a bit of uncertainty on the stated genealogical records, allowing for a few thousand years more. This Scripture claiming a very "new" planet is repeatedly confirmed by numerous theological studies.
Or, we know that there was light before Earth's existence, not after. 

But, solid and confirmed research contradicts what's supposed to be the Creator's direct expression and eternal record. We know that the Earth and universe are many billions of years in existence, and there is only a mountain of data that supports this conclusion. 

Ultimately, science and faith don't intersect anywhere in existence. Science data and Scripture remain in a quagmire of contradictions and murky uncertainty, and Genesis I is only the first chapter.


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