
How do we experience "time"? Put aside, for this stream, the space-physics and science dynamics of time. Rather, how does time feel?

Certainly, time involves pace, and sense of past and future. We may feel time in a crazy rush of parenting years, our kids shooting up like instant sprouts, time in a great big hurry straight forward, no looking back or sideways. Fleeting time.

At other stages, the chapters can read much slower, during both bliss or sorrow, both joy or deep anguish. Time may creep as a prison term, or as if on a paradise island, moment by moment, so slow it seems there are even more moments in between. Or, time may suspend to stillness, as in the last, breathless moment of existence. 

So, we feel time fast-slow, stopped, or flown by, all of these paces and tempos of consciousness, as background and context, imaginary or real. As science would explain it, our very limited senses and sensory systems create an illusion of time passing as a continuam of experience. Yet, no one, or no galaxy or universe in whole has left the continuing moment endlessly unfolding.

It's a pretty slick illusion, time. Best not to waste much angst arguing with the unknowable. But, some persistent grasping of my tireless curiosity runs on its own battery, I'm only a witness.

I reluctantly accept the smallness of my own comprehension, the primitive, evolving brain I must use to embrace the lofty notions of an expanding cosmos, dark energy and matter, gravity, phenomena no one can explain. 

But, our view broadens and deepens, our sight extends. How much longer will God hold the heavens in hidden mystery? Will science stumble on to meet God, finally, in some definitive manner as yet unimaginable? Will science reveal the secrets of creation after all? Time isn't saying.

Stay tuned, the all-powerful charade of time is still in full control, but the eternal Now may become the idea that allows passage to the stars. 

How do we feel time? Only as the great canvas of daily experience, the moving mural of our transitory life.


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